Jerry Brown | Interview 12 | June 11, 2019

Oral History Center, UC Berkeley
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00:00:00 - Work/Life after losing 1982 senate election

Play segment

Keywords: Alison Thomas; Committee for California; Institute for National Strategy; Nathan Gardels; National Commission on Industrial Innovation; New Perspectives Quarterly; Political Action Committees; Richard Maullin; Tassajara; Tom Quinn; USA Committee; Zen Buddhism; election loss; nonprofits; publications; spirituality

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

00:06:22 - Work on getting computers in schools

Play segment

Keywords: Apple; Computer-Using Educators; Computer-Using Educators (CUE, Inc.); Steve Jobs; computers; education; educators; lifestyle; reading; schools; technology

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

00:11:56 - Learning process/Inquiry as Governor and beyond

Play segment

Keywords: computers; education; free time; governing; government; governor’s office; inquiry; learning process

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

00:16:01 - Institute for National Strategy/Assembling leaders and thinkers

Play segment

Keywords: Board of Regents; Bob Noyce; Carlos Fuentes; Center for Democratic Institutions; Cuernavaca, Mexico; Deschooling Society; Gregory Bateson; Institute for National Strategy; Ivan Illich; Luis Echeverría; Nathan Gardels; National Semiconductor; Nicolas Berggruen; Octavio Paz; Steve Jobs; bureaucracy; education; funding; fundraising; ideas; inquiry; investigation; nonprofits; public pensions; randomness; study

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

00:24:00 - Choosing lines of inquiry and activism

Play segment

Keywords: "Jerry Brown: Hight Priest, Low Politician"; California Community College Board of Governors; California Legislature; California Penal Code; Eric Schlosser; Oakland Military Institute; achievement; action; charter schools; distance learning; education; education gap; ideas; low-income; middle school; minorities; online education; online university; school; school performance; technology

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

00:28:04 - Approach to self-education and learning

Play segment

Keywords: Reavis and McGrath; budget; business; cost of living; curiosity; income; intellectual inquiry; leaving office; lobbyists; money; problem solving; running for president; self-education

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

00:33:51 - Attitude towards the Soviet Union during the Cold War

Play segment

Keywords: "Crisis of Confidence Speech"; "Evil Empire Speech"; "Wizards of Armageddon"; Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists; China; Cold War; Committee on the Present Danger; Donald Trump; Georgi Arbatov; India; Indira Gandhi; Institute for US and Canadian Studies; Jimmy Carter; KGB; Mikhail Gorbachev; Richard Nixon; Ronald Reagan; Russia; Soviet Union; Soviet-Afghan War; United States; detente; dialogue; election interference; inflation; international relations; malaise; neutrality; non-interference; nuclear arms merchants; nuclear arms race; nuclear bombs; nuclear war

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

00:41:20 - Experience in India and with Mother Teresa

Play segment

Keywords: 1987; Calcutta; China; Hinduism; India; Mother Teresa; Sisters of Charity; aid; anti-institutionalism; caste system; charity; control; decentralization; exploration; freedom; homelessness; hospice; inspiration; politboro; poverty; poverty in the United States; religion; state surveillance

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

00:48:59 - Criticisms of Mother Teresa/Mother Teresa's presence and effects

Play segment

Keywords: AIDS; AIDS epidemic; American politics; Catholicism; Christopher Hitchens; General Patton; HIV; India; Mother Teresa; San Francisco; abortion; anti-choice; authority; beliefs; birth control; compassion; knowledge; local government; local officials; philosophy; population control; pro-choice; pro-life; public speaking; religion; self-reflection

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

00:57:45 - Study of Zen Buddhism in Japan

Play segment

Keywords: "Zen Flesh, Zen Bones"; Aldous Huxley; Catholicism; Hugo Enomiya-Lassalle; Japan; Jesuits; Sophia University; Tassajara; Zen Buddhism; inspiration; meditation

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

01:01:04 - Relationship to and between Catholicism and Zen Buddhism

Play segment

Keywords: "The Cloud of Unknowing"; Catholics; Hugo Enomiya-Lassalle; Ignatian indifference; Ignatian meditation; Ignatian spirituality; Jesuits; Kamakura, Japan; Mother Teresa; Yamada Roshi; Zazen; Zen Buddhism; attachment; concept of self; consumption; detachment; doctrine; identity; materialism; meditation; modernity; non-attachment; religious identity; seminary; visualization

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

01:11:25 - Returning to the United States after Japan/1986 Rose Bird retention Eelection

Play segment

Keywords: California Supreme Court; Rose Bird; detachment; elections; identity; judges; meditation; philosophy; politicians; politics; retention elections

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

01:21:00 - Lessons about the role of the courts

Play segment

Keywords: California Supreme Court; Rose Bird; United States Supreme Court; consensus; courts; democracy; disillusionment; interpretation of law; judges; political systems

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

01:26:56 - 1984 election cycle/Identity politics

Play segment

Keywords: 1984 Democratic National Convention; 2016 Presidential Election; Democratic Party; Gary Hart; Geraldine Ferraro; Jesse Jackson; Ronald Reagan; San Francisco; Walter Mondale; coincidence of opposites; contradictions; diversity; identity politics; immigrants; party platform; public speaking; tradition

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

01:37:00 - Reagan presidency and the Soviet Union

Play segment

Keywords: China; Cold War; Mutually Assured Destruction; Ronald Reagan; Russia; Soviet Union; Star Wars Defence; Strategic Defense Initiative; detente; international relations; nuclear disarmament; nuclear power

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy