Jerry Brown | Interview 9 | May 7, 2019

Oral History Center, UC Berkeley
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00:00:00 - Property Taxes

Play segment

Keywords: bills; homes; issues; legislature; momentum; problems; property; propositions; protests; resistance; taxes; votes

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

00:06:51 - Effects of Local Governments

Play segment

Keywords: Sacramento; apartments; constituents; issues; legislature; people; property; state; statewide; taxes; unions

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

00:12:55 - Problems at the State Level

Play segment

Keywords: ballots; implementation; income tax; laws; polls; primaries; problems; reelection; revenue; volatility

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

00:18:47 - Passing Proposition 13

Play segment

Keywords: California; Schwarzenegger; amendments; attention; attorney general; constitution; economics; history; incumbents; initiatives; reelection

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

00:25:21 - Making the State Budget

Play segment

Keywords: Reagan; San Diego; budget; communism; constituents; debates; finance; formulas; governing; programs; rhetoric; state

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

00:32:47 - Excitement in the Governorship

Play segment

Keywords: California; Sacramento; corruption; crises; decision making; historians; homeowners; industrial; inflation; leadership; legislation; officials; property; rules; taxes

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

00:39:31 - Modern Amendments to Proposition 13

Play segment

Keywords: agriculture; arguments; attorney general; ballots; campaigns; critique; exceptions; primaries; property; reform; taxes

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

00:44:09 - Reelection

Play segment

Keywords: Maryland; campaigns; ideas; labor; mandates; media; national; popularity; president; reporters; taxation

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

00:51:05 - Changing Constituencies

Play segment

Keywords: Carter; Kennedy; conservatives; democrats; incumbents; issues; politicians; programs; spending; teachers

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

00:56:35 - Building Political Platforms

Play segment

Keywords: Harvey Milk; LA; Sacramento; San Francisco; activities; gay rights; inauguration; legislation; politics; support; teachers

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

01:02:39 - Assassinations and Violence

Play segment

Keywords: 1960s; California; Fresno; Kennedy; San Francisco; Zebra Killings; political violence; secretary of state; society

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

01:08:09 - Worldwide Threats

Play segment

Keywords: Feinstein; Milk; Muscone; Russia; United States; climate change; destruction; events; globalization; governance; mayor; migrations; politicians

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

01:14:13 - The Jonestown Massacre

Play segment

Keywords: Jonestown; LA; San Francisco; authoritarian; charisma; elections; excess; leaders

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

01:20:00 - Publicity and Voters

Play segment

Keywords: Kenya; Reagan; airplane; democrats; positions; republicans; spouses

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy