Jerry Brown | Interview 17 | September 9, 2019

Oral History Center, UC Berkeley
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00:00:00 - Recall of Governor Gray Davis in 2003

Play segment

Keywords: Darrell Issa; deficit; democracy; discontent; dot-com bubble; economy; fairness; independently wealthy politicians; money in politics; political ethics; popularity; recall elections; reelection

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

00:06:24 - Arnold Schwarzenegger as Governor of California

Play segment

Keywords: Arnold Schwarzenegger; celebrities; centrists; moderates; name recognition; politicians; republicans; spending; state expenditures; unions

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

00:10:58 - Qualifications to run for Attorney General of California in 2006

Play segment

Keywords: Fair Political Practices Act; Pat Brown; Proposition 9; State Bar of California; bills; campaign disclosure laws; laws; lawyers; practicing law; qualifications

00:14:51 - 2006 campaign for Attorney General of California

Play segment

Keywords: Anne Gust Brown; Northern California; Southern California; campaign ads; campaign donations; campaign finance; campaign managers; celebrity; death penalty; fame; fundraising; key issues; name recognition

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

00:19:35 - Motivation for running for Attorney General of California

Play segment

Keywords: Pat Brown; duty; father as Attorney General; giving back; goals; influences; self-study

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

00:26:16 - Entering into office of Attorney General of California

Play segment

Keywords: California Chamber of Commerce; Countrywide lawsuit; Environmental Protection Agency; Global Warming Solutions Act; Proposition 26; agenda; cap and trade; federal waivers; laws; process; taxes

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

00:31:54 - California Proposition 8 and marriage equality

Play segment

Keywords: 2008; Hollingsworth v. Perry; Perry v. Brown; Supreme Court of California; Supreme Court of the United States; fundamental fairness; gay marriage; gay rights; laws; marriage equality; political appointees; prop 8; staff

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

00:40:59 - Death penalty/Environmental issues as Attorney General of California

Play segment

Keywords: California Environmental Quality Act; Environmental Protection Agency; capital punishment; emissions; environment; environmental protection; executions; legislation

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

00:46:18 - Environmental lawsuits while Attorney General of California

Play segment

Keywords: Bush administration; Fran Pavley; George W. Bush; Massachusetts v. Environmental Protection Agency; Supreme Court of the United States; The Home Depot; chemical waste; climate change; environmental lawsuits; environmental lawyers; environmental legislation; federal waiver; greenhouse gases; pollution; settlements; vehicle emissions

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

00:53:41 - Scale of climate change issues

Play segment

Keywords: Environmental Protection Agency; chemical waste; federal waiver; global warming; greenhouse gases; toxic dumps; toxic waste

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

00:56:42 - Countrywide Financial Lawsuit/Federal response to subprime mortgage crisis

Play segment

Keywords: 2008; Bank of America; California Business and Professions Code; Countrywide Financial; Obama administration; bailouts; billionaires; concentration of wealth; economy; fraud; home foreclosures; housing market; mortgages; populism; role of Attorney General; student debt; subprime mortgage crisis; white-collar crime

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

01:05:51 - Considering running for governor again/Lessons learned as Mayor of Oakland, California

Play segment

Keywords: Attorney General; activists; building regulations; building restrictions; crime rates; crime reporting; nonconsecutive terms; prison population; prison reform; progressives; urban development

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

01:15:51 - Wife Anne Gust Brown's influence during governorship

Play segment

Keywords: Anne Gust Brown; advisors; influences; statutes of limitations; vetoes

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

01:18:53 - Deficit inherited as Governor in 2011

Play segment

Keywords: California; budget; deficit; economic recovery; financial crisis; government programs; great recession; taxes

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

01:21:22 - Gavin Newsome also campaigning for gubernatorial nomination in 2010

Play segment

Keywords: Gavin Newsome; Liuetenant Governor; Meg Whitman; campaign tactics; fundraising; gubernatorial primaries; mayors; political opponents

01:26:30 - Meg Whitman as 2010 California gubernatorial opponent

Play segment

Keywords: Steve Poizner; Zoe Baird; exploitation; focus groups; political opponents; polling; scandal; swing voters; unauthorized immigrants; undocumented immigrants

01:31:49 - 2010 campaign spending/Meg Whitman failing to register to vote

Play segment

Keywords: Los Angeles Times; Pat Brown; campaign advertising; campaign budget; childhood; fundraising; journalists; political journalism; reporters; self-funded candidates; voter registration; voting

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

01:35:20 - Horse race journalism/Personal involvement in his own campaigns

Play segment

Keywords: advisors; attention to detail; campaign statistics; campaign strategy; campaign tactics; consultants; journalists; political journalism; sports metaphors; the press

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

01:39:23 - Opinion on political consultants

Play segment

Keywords: Ace Smith; Anne Gust Brown; Steve Glazer; Tom Quinn; campaign employees; campaign headquarters; campaign offices; campaign strategy; campaigns; fundraising; media consultants; mercenaries; policy papers; pollsters; professionalization of politics; veto messages; vetoes

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

01:45:33 - Inauguration in 2011/Connection to the past

Play segment

Keywords: 2011; budget; family history; history; inauguration speech; messaging; modernity; mountain house; tradition

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

01:53:57 - The art of public speaking

Play segment

Keywords: Cicero; Cincinnatus; calling; duty; influence; public speaking; rhetoric; service; speeches; vocation

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy