Jerry Brown | Interview 19 | September 10, 2019

Oral History Center, UC Berkeley
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00:00:00 - Local control of public school funding

Play segment

Keywords: California State Board of Education; categorical programs; consultants; education; government grants; lobbyists; public schools; school districts; school funding; school programs; standardization; teachers

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

00:07:06 - State control of schools vs. local discretion

Play segment

Keywords: California State Board of Education; Local Control Funding Formula; education; equity; funding; income inequality; low income students; public schools; school boards; school performance; stratification; student performance; subsidiarity; teachers

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

00:14:45 - California's high-speed rail

Play segment

Keywords: California; California High-Speed Rail Authority; cars; consensus; funding; highways; infrastructure; political polarization; trains; transportation

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

00:22:06 - Inability to reform the California Environmental Quality Act

Play segment

Keywords: labor unions; real estate development; reform; urban development

00:26:14 - California drought, 2011-2017

Play segment

Keywords: California Water Action Plan; Donald Trump; Republican Party; climate change; conservative media; environmental regulations; federal government; global warming; governor; groundwater; water conservation; water management; water supply

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

00:32:51 - California's water infrastructure

Play segment

Keywords: California State Water Resources Control Board; agricultural industry; climate change; dams; environment; environmentalism; oil; reservoirs; stewardship; water management

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

00:41:20 - Comparing first two terms as Governor to last two terms

Play segment

Keywords: 1970s; 1980s; California; Nancy McFadden; experience; staff

00:47:37 - Political appointments as Governor

Play segment

Keywords: California; chaos; departments; experience; identity; state agencies; territoriality; uncertainty

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

00:56:42 - 2014 Gubernatorial Election

Play segment

Keywords: Neel Kashkari; campaign; opponents; reelection

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

00:59:31 - Relationship with California State Legislature as Governor

Play segment

Keywords: bills; democrats; legislation; republicans; super majority; vetoes

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

01:02:56 - Debate with Neel Kashkari in 2014/Poverty in America

Play segment

Keywords: Democrats; Monday Night Football; Republicans; privilege; reelection; second terms; stratification; wealth

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

01:05:23 - Poverty in America and the world

Play segment

Keywords: Colusa; Democrats; Holly Mitchell; Republicans; Sutter; dogs; pets; privilege; stratification; wealth

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

01:12:57 - Goals for fourth term as Governor of California

Play segment

Keywords: credit cards; debt; deregulation; herd mentality; interest rates; priorities; unanimity

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

01:19:49 - Influences during last two terms as Governor of California

Play segment

Keywords: 1970s; 2010s; Gary Snyder; Google; Science Foo Camp; Stewart Brand

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

01:26:34 - California End of Life Option Act/Emotions in politics

Play segment

Keywords: assisted suicide; bills; death with dignity; euthanasia

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

01:31:56 - Budget messaging/Charts

Play segment

Keywords: cycles; informing; predictions; recessions; recovery; revenue; the economy; the public

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

01:36:57 - Undocumented immigrants

Play segment

Keywords: California Values Act; DREAM Act; Donald Trump; Immigration and Customs Enforcement; SB 54; borders; dreamers; guest workers; migration; public benefits; sanctuary cities

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

01:47:56 - 2016 Presidential Election/Endorsing fellow politicians

Play segment

Keywords: Donald Trump; Hillary Clinton; Kamala Harris; electorate; political campaigns; voters

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

01:54:20 - Proposition 57

Play segment

Keywords: 2016; credit; criminal justice; parole; prison reform; prisoners; sentencing; youth

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

01:58:01 - Proposition 53/Momentum during fourth term as Governor of California

Play segment

Keywords: 2016; bonds; sports metaphors; voter approval

02:01:41 - California housing market

Play segment

Keywords: Oakland; San Francisco; affordable housing; bay area; borrowing; credit; housing prices; interest rates; loans; migration; real estate development; subsidized housing; the economy

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

02:10:08 - Working with Republicans on cap and trade

Play segment

Keywords: agriculture; bipartisanship; climate change; coalition; emissions trading; environment; farming interests

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

02:14:49 - Relationship with the legislature during third and fourth terms as Governor of California

Play segment

Keywords: age; experience; interest groups; leadership; political pressure; vetoes

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

02:18:15 - California State Legislature term limits/Drawing district boundaries

Play segment

Keywords: Attorney General; Xavier Becerra; appointments; arrogance; career politicians; electoral college; experience; gerrymandering; ignorance; legislative terms; partisanship; political bosses; reforms; resistance; service

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

02:26:23 - The idea of resistance/Appointments to the Supreme Court of California

Play segment

Keywords: Donald Trump; Joshua Groban; Leondra Kruger; Rose Bird; defence; greenhouse gases; lawsuits; offense; persistence; qualifications

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

02:34:13 - 2016 Presidential Election and considering running/Reflections on past campaigns

Play segment

Keywords: Bernie Sanders; Donald Trump; Hillary Clinton; campaigns; primaries

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

02:45:33 - Role as Governor during California wildfires

Play segment

Keywords: California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection; PG&E; Pacific Gas and Electric Company; authenticity; climate change

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

02:49:56 - PG&E's role in the California wildfires

Play segment

Keywords: California State Legislature; Pacific Gas and Electric Company; bankruptcy; utility companies

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

02:53:29 - Deregulation/Thoughts on "mass democracy"

Play segment

Keywords: PG&E; democracy; electorate; herd mentality; political parties; popularity; populism; recalls; suffrage; voters; voting population

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy