Jerry Brown | Interview 5 | March 19, 2019

Oral History Center, UC Berkeley
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00:00:00 - Assessing the Candidates for Governor

Play segment

Keywords: 1970s; Nixon; Reagan; campaigns; candidates; competition; coverage; fundraisers; governors; money; newspapers; politics; polls; press; running; secretary of state; speeches

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

00:05:22 - Conditions Leading to Gubernatorial Success

Play segment

Keywords: Nixon; Reagan; ballots; campaigns; change; democrats; experience; issues; news; politics; primaries; prop 9; reformers; running; secretary of state

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

00:11:17 - Campaign Team Logistics

Play segment

Keywords: Watergate; background checks; campaigns; candidates; charisma; consultants; experience; issues; layering; managers; money; news; politics; public interest; structure; values; voting

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

00:16:17 - Targeting Voters

Play segment

Keywords: Alioto; ads; campaigns; candidates; coalitions; constituencies; democrats; electorate; endorsements; environment; issues; parties; prop 9; targeting; voters

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

00:21:45 - Campaigning on a Platform of Reform

Play segment

Keywords: ads; campaigning; candidates; collective bargaining; elections; governing; governors; ideas; philosophy; politics; primaries; reform

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

00:27:40 - Campaigning and Governing Climate Change

Play segment

Keywords: campaigning; climate change; commercials; environment; intervention; newspapers; pollution; secretary of state; trains

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

00:32:13 - Choosing Issues to Present to Legislature

Play segment

Keywords: George Bush; agriculture; boycotts; candidates; collective bargaining; farmworkers; fast facts; issues; legislature; media; news; positions; reporters

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

00:37:33 - Opinions on Campaigning and Destiny

Play segment

Keywords: 2020 election; Beto O'rourke; California; campaigning; destiny; ego; governor; hand-shaking; media; performing; travel

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

00:41:46 - Conflict with Legislature and the Media

Play segment

Keywords: Clinton; Vietnam; activism; assembly; corruption; democracy; discontent; functionality; governments; issues; legislature; protests; reform; senate; senate president; unicameral legislature

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

00:49:30 - Drug Use and Events of the 1970s

Play segment

Keywords: Alioto; California; LA; Patty Hearst; San Francisco; activism; counterculture; drugs; governor; hippies; newspapers; war

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

00:54:39 - Changing Cultures of Activism

Play segment

Keywords: Grateful Dead; Israel; San Francisco; antiwar; events; governors; hippies; mainstream; news; office; parties; politics; running; secretary of state

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

01:00:53 - The Excitement of the Governorship

Play segment

Keywords: Alioto; California; campaigns; debates; desirability; electorates; governors; issues; news; reporters; requirements; unions

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

01:07:15 - High School Debating and Education

Play segment

Keywords: appearances; campaigns; children; debate; high school; history; labor; memory; offices; rebuttal; social sciences; temporality; theory

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

01:14:32 - Getting Talking Points to the Media

Play segment

Keywords: 1970s; Reagan; agendas; campaigns; causes; clickbait; debates; elections; electorate; government; issues; journalists; media; mistakes; news; polls; popularity; press; reporters; republicans; unions

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

01:22:16 - Handling Difficult Questions

Play segment

Keywords: Sacramento; Tom Quinn; campaigns; consolidation; departments; governments; governors; ideas; pivot; running; tactics

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

01:27:16 - Different Members and their Roles in the Campaign

Play segment

Keywords: advisors; arguments; blunders; campaigns; commercials; debates; energy; gas; lawyers; media; mistakes; news; performance; press; senate

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

01:35:00 - Governing Strategies

Play segment

Keywords: Reagan; advocacy; doubts; energy; errors; governing; government; image; inquiry; issues; legislature; strategy

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

01:39:06 - Winning the Election of 1974

Play segment

Keywords: Ford; Nixon; Republicans; approval; campaigns; constituencies; districts; elections; environment; governors; issues; lead; money; polls; progressives; restrictions; schools; taxes

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

01:44:06 - Running as an Unmarried Candidate

Play segment

Keywords: Alioto; San Francisco; activists; campaigns; concerns; gay; marriage; money; news; research; rumors; votes

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

01:50:01 - Dealing with Factions and Division

Play segment

Keywords: Democratic Party; activism; campaigns; democrats; divisions; factions; games; government; politics; tribalization; war

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

01:56:23 - Name Recognition as an Aid and an Inhibitor

Play segment

Keywords: Reagan; cultures; democrats; fathers; fear; government; heterogeneity; ideas; institutionalization; issues; labor; names; politicians; schooling; welfare

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

02:02:18 - Interests in Sufism

Play segment

Keywords: Berkeley; India; Islam; Noviciet; Sufi; barriers; campaign nights; choir; dances; inauguration; news; performance; sufism

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy

02:07:46 - A Letter from a Young Jerry Brown

Play segment

Keywords: attention; clickbait; duty; governors; politicians; religion; senators; votes

Subjects: Politics, Law, and Policy