Sam Mihara | Interview 1 | November 8, 2012

Oral History Center, UC Berkeley
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00:00:10 - Introduction: family's immigration to the United States due to economic hardship in Japan

Play segment

Keywords: Alien Exclusion Act; Hiroshima; Picture Brides; economic hardship; immigration; marriage; newspaper industry

Subjects: Community and Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front

00:04:20 - "Dual Existence": cultural significance of the San Francisco Japantown on Japanese Americans

Play segment

Keywords: American values; Boy's Day and Girl's Day; Japan; Japanese; Japanese Americans; Japantown; San Francisco; celebration; culture; languages; small business

Subjects: Community and Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front

00:07:31 - Traditional family roles and paternal personalities

Play segment

Keywords: Japanese Americans; communication; domestic labor; familial roles; father; grandfather; manual skills; mother; newspaper business; women

Subjects: Community and Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front

00:10:23 - Impact of the Depression: father maintained his job

Play segment

Keywords: Depression; English; English major; Japanese; New World Sun; bilingual newspaper; editor; journalist

Subjects: Community and Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front

00:11:39 - Attending a culturally diverse school in Japantown, interaction with other backgrounds, tolerance of differences

Play segment

Keywords: Caucasians; Chinatown; Chinese; Japantown; Raphael Weill School; Richmond District; San Francisco; Shipyards; Sunset District; backgrounds; colorism; defense plants; diversity; ethnic groups; integration; multicultural; racial prejudice; segregation; tolerance

Subjects: Community and Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front

00:17:10 - Remembering through pictures: loyalty to US in early school days

Play segment

Keywords: Dorothea Lange; United States; allegiance; documentaries; education; loyalty; museum exhibits; textbooks

Subjects: Community and Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front

00:19:57 - Learning about the Pearl Harbor Attack and father's fearful reaction to the news

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Redman: I wonder if you could set the stage a little for what Japanese American life was like immediately before Pearl Harbor, especially with potential growing tensions between the governments of Japan and the United States.

Keywords: FBI agents; Japanese American; Japantown; Pearl Harbor; Reverend Fukuda; US government; burning evidence; collaborator; fear; paranoia; rights; sympathizers

Subjects: Community and Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front

00:25:03 - Reaction within the community to Pearl Harbor Attack

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Mihara: ...within hours, that the government agents were rounding up these so-called “high risk, suspicious people.”

Keywords: Japanese government; Nakamoto; Reverend Fukuda; community; community leaders; financial aid; incarceration; local businesses; mass removal; neighborhood; social organization

Subjects: Community and Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front

00:27:32 - Racism within the media after Pearl Harbor Attack

Play segment

Keywords: "Japs"; "Nips"; "The Yellow Devils"; English newspapers; Japanese newspapers; assumption; derogatory name; espionage; financial gain; forced removal; media; racism

Subjects: Community and Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front

00:30:51 - New laws for Japanese Americans in 1942: limiting freedom, personal and familial effects

Play segment

Keywords: "invisible fence"; Japanese Americans; Japantown; curfews; exclusion zones; federal crime; police patrol; racism; registration; removal; restrictions; splitting families

Subjects: Community and Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front

00:33:50 - Splitting the family to two different camps

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Mihama: “Show up. You will be under guard at the buses and trains and board at the specific time and place.”

Keywords: Heart Mountain; San Franciscans; Topaz; Utah; internment camp; split

Subjects: Community and Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front

00:35:58 - Property preparations prior to relocating: packing possessions, taking care of furnishings

Play segment

Keywords: assembly center; depressed prices; financial difficulties; household furnishings; lost property; mortgage; possessions; property sale; relocation; reporting process

Subjects: Community and Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front

00:38:46 - Minimal interactions with armed guards during transport to camps

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Mihara: I can remember the armed military. That you don’t forget.

Keywords: Heart Mountain; armed military; assembly center; camps; forced removal; military police

Subjects: Community and Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front

00:42:18 - Terrible living conditions of a typical assembly center

Play segment

Partial Transcript: "Mihara: Pomona is typical of many of these assembly centers. The conditions were absolutely horrible."

Keywords: Pomona, California; assembly center; barracks; horse stalls; living conditions; state fairground

Subjects: Community and Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front

00:44:38 - Lack of agency to change situation due to "don't challenge, don't question" culture

Play segment

Partial Transcript: "Mihara: Part of the reason being the culture of the first-generation people who were taught in Japan that"

Keywords: "Japanese extraction"; acceptance; complacency; concerned; confusion; constitutional rights; cultural upbringing

Subjects: Community and Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front

00:47:45 - "Spartan Conditions": crowded and heavily enforced living conditions of Heart Mountain camp

Play segment

Keywords: Arizona; Colorado; Heart Mountain; Spartan conditions; Utah; assembly center; barbed wire; barracks; coach class cars; dining cars; government-owned land; guard towers; military guard; physical exam; porters; railroad siding; relocation; train companies; train ride; water source

Subjects: Community and Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front

00:56:06 - Differences in types of camps; importance farming to improve standard of living

Play segment

Partial Transcript: "Mihara: So that’s an example of the kind of work that was accomplished to make life more livable in the camp."

Keywords: Wyoming; barracks; camp administrators; community type camp; complaints; diet; farming; food; fresh vegetables; irrigation canals; organized; police force; potatoes; protein; raising crops

Subjects: Community and Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front

01:01:17 - Entertainment within camps to pass time and teach skills

Play segment

Keywords: "American life"; Americanized culture; Boy Scouts; Girl Scouts; baseball; basketball; enjoyment; entertainment; football; recreation; school systems; skill-development; sports

Subjects: Community and Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front

01:04:59 - New way of congregated living in camps disrupted traditional Japanese culture

Play segment

Keywords: Japanese culture; bathing; bedpans; cleanliness; community; congregation; cultural norms; eating; family culture; family environment; mess hall; personal hygiene; private facilities; social disruption; traditions

Subjects: Community and Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front

01:09:45 - "No Alternative": use of catalog shopping due to lack of department stores

Play segment

Keywords: Montana style; Montgomery Ward; Sears; Wyoming style; boots; catalogs; department stores; shopping; shopping centers

Subjects: Community and Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front

01:12:04 - Positive impact of Japanese Theatre Company on local culture within camps

Play segment

Keywords: Japanese Theatre Company; Kabuki play; Theatre Arts; camp site; costumes; culture; curtain; entertainment; mess halls; musicians

Subjects: Community and Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front

01:13:05 - Providing within the camps; the contribution of Quakers to education; low quality of classrooms

Play segment

Keywords: Culture; History; Home Economics; Japanese Americans; Quakers; Sports; US college system; classroom; education; grammar school; learning; school equipment; school subjects; schools; state educational organizations; state standards; teachers; teaching materials

Subjects: Community and Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front

01:18:45 - Attempt to create an on-site hospital; family health problems worsened

Play segment

Keywords: Caucasian; National Archives Records; San Francisco, California; University of California Medical Center; X-Ray machine; camp hospital; colon cancer; glaucoma; health problems; laxative; medical records; medication; milk of magnesia; painful joints

Subjects: Community and Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front

01:22:52 - Experiences with deaths in camps and maintaining Japanese funeral traditions

Play segment

Keywords: California; Catholic; Denver, Colorado; Germany; Montana; Presbyterian; Protestants; Wyoming; ashes; cemeteries; crematories; culture; family plots; federal prisoners; funerals; grieving process; medical help; paper flowers; religions; remains

Subjects: Community and Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front

01:26:36 - Father's legacy as an innovator of the Japanese Braille system

Play segment

Keywords: Braille system; English-Japanese dictionary; Japanese; alphabet; blindness; books; innovation; media; societal contribution; textbook; writing

Subjects: Community and Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front

01:29:00 - Perspective on the atomic bombings in Japan

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Mihara: “I wish it didn’t happen. And I wish if it had to, it would have been a better target.”

Keywords: Hiroshima; Nagasaki; New Mexico; US camps; atomic bomb; atomic weapons; civilian casualties; explosions; imprisonment; test bomb

Subjects: Community and Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front

01:31:59 - Changes overtime in perception of Japanese Americans in Cody, Wyoming

Play segment

Keywords: Alan Simpson; Cody, Wyoming; Japanese; Senator; Sheridan Avenue; Supreme Court; Surrender or Japan; VJ Day; barracks; business people; concern of newcomers; end of war; fire alarm; hatred; pleasant; racial discrimination

Subjects: Community and Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front

01:37:09 - Problems faced when returned home by the Japanese American community and family

Play segment

Keywords: California; Imperial County, Southern California; Japanese American community; Japanese farmers; San Francisco; cultural shock; domestic worker; education; engineering; exclusion laws; financial problems; hardships; integration problems; new careers; post World War II; property; property sale; resettle

Subjects: Community and Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front

01:41:51 - Addressing the injustices, how the Redress Bill came to be

Play segment

Keywords: Congress; Congressman; Japanese American; Michael Lowry; New Jersey; Norman Mineta; President; Redress Movement; Ronald Reagan; Thomas Kean; UCLA; Washington State; bill; conservative; formal apology; injustices; mistake; redress payments; restitution; spies

Subjects: Community and Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front

01:48:28 - Three important messages from the 1987 Smithsonian Exhibit and their impacts on the Redress Bill

Play segment

Keywords: American citizens; Bill of Rights; Congressman Mineta; Japanese Confinement; National Museum of American History; Redress Movement; Smithsonian Exhibit; due process; imprisonment; loyalty; prison condition; supporters

Subjects: Community and Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front

01:52:57 - Prioritizing education: continuing higher education in sciences after leaving camp

Play segment

Keywords: "Bonehead English"; Aeronautics; Boeing; Douglas Aircraft Company; Engineering; English; Hearst Mining Hall; Master's degree; Math; Mineralogy; Nobel Prize; Professor Hildebrand; San Francisco; Santa Monica, California; Science; UCLA; University of California, Berkeley; college prep; design; minor degree; planes; principles of Chemistry; structures lab

Subjects: Community and Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front

01:57:55 - Concluding remarks: possible avoidance of war, learning from past, educating the future

Play segment

Keywords: Cold War; Cuban Threat; Cuban War; Heart Mountain Museum; Pearl Harbor; Strategic Deterrence; World War II; defense of Hawaii; due process; education; incompetency; mass removal; vigiliance

Subjects: Community and Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front