Johanna Roman | Interview 1 | September 18, 2015

Oral History Center, UC Berkeley
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00:00:00 - Emigration from Germany to New York and Memories of Childhood in Germany

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Johanna, can you start by telling me where and when you were born, and a little bit about your
early life?

Keywords: English; Europe; German; Hansa Lloyd ship; New Yorker

Subjects: emigrated; two languages

00:03:42 - Living in The Bronx, Interest in Art and Theater, and Training at the Academy of Aeronautics

Play segment

Partial Transcript: We lived in the Bronx.

Keywords: Academy of Aeronautics; La Guardia Airport; The Bronx; WACs; WAVES; Washington Irving High School

Subjects: aircraft mechanic; art; aviation; mechanics; stage; theater

00:09:09 - Family History and Early Memories

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Can you tell me about
both of your parents, what their names were and some of your early

Keywords: German Jews; Great Depression

Subjects: father; mother; music; poverty; textiles

00:13:56 - Youth Culture

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Can you tell me a little bit more about that: what you remember, the culture,
or how that influenced you?

Keywords: Dickens; Germanic; Shakespeare

Subjects: bilingual; bohemian; feminist; read; strict

00:17:12 - Feelings During War and Helping the War Effort

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Do you remember any
conversations that your parents had about the war? Were they in favor of it or
against it, or it was just part of life?

Segment Synopsis: cargo flyers;planes;

Keywords: Air Transport Command; Americans; Germany; Israel; Jewish

Subjects: war

00:22:57 - Training at the Academy of Aeronautics

Play segment

Partial Transcript: You had three months of training at the Academy of Aeronautics in Queens.
Can you tell me a little bit more about your training, what you learned, the
types of things they were teaching you?

Keywords: Air Transport Command; education; electricity; spark plugs; training

Subjects: coed; electrical work; refreshing; training

00:27:52 - Moving to Maine for More Aeronautic Training

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Can you tell me a little bit about getting the news that you were going to
Maine, how you felt about that?

Keywords: C-47; C-rations; NCO; Pan Am; Presque Isle; foreman; kerosene

Subjects: Army; Army Air Force; Maine; Marines; navy; potatoes; sexism

00:33:10 - Diferences in Jobs Between Men and Women

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Can you tell me a little bit more about how you were able to organize the
other women that were working there?

Keywords: C-47; Maine; dormitory; government subsidized program; patriotic

Subjects: housing; men; skin problems; women

00:38:26 - Dating and Marriage

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Also, we dated some of the soldiers, if that’s of interest.

Keywords: boyfriend; husband; patriotism; soldiers; war

Subjects: Army; dancing; dates; marriage

00:42:14 - Feelings of Patriotism and The End of The War

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Do you remember what the general feeling of the other women and men at the
base were? Was there a sense of patriotism there?

Keywords: B-25s; Battle of the Bulge; Germans; Japanese; V-E Day; patriotism

Subjects: community; frienshipps; soldiers; war effort

00:50:51 - Changes in New York and the Workforce

Play segment

Partial Transcript: When you came back, how did you see New York changing, or had it changed
after the war?

Keywords: NYU; New York; pilot

Subjects: aeronautics; cooperating; intellectual development

00:57:29 - Lessons for Future Generations

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What are some of the things that you hope people remember about that period
of time?

Keywords: ATC; airport; flying; mechanical

Subjects: flying; knowledge; marriage