Lucille Ziesenhenne | Interview 1 | February 12, 2003

Oral History Center, UC Berkeley
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00:00:02 - Introduction; How the Depression moved the family out West

Play segment

Keywords: Richmond; The Great Depression

Subjects: Community and Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front

00:03:45 - Roots in a small town; her American-born parents' journey to settlement in Hinsdale

Play segment

Keywords: Chicago; German anscestry; Hinsdale

Subjects: Community and Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front

00:07:01 - Early childhood in Hinsdale outside of Chicago, 1924 to 1936

Play segment

Keywords: Chicago; Hinsdale; Lutheran School; The Great Depression; cousins; saving money

Subjects: Community and Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front

00:24:58 - Adolescence in the "sleepy town" of Richmond, January 1936 to June 1942

Play segment

Keywords: San Pablo Ave; racial diversity; the cinema

Subjects: Community and Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front

00:41:15 - Graduating from high school in the wake of Pearl Harbor

Play segment

Keywords: Pearl Harbor; Standard Oil; War Manpower Commission; commencement speech about women in the war effort; learning first aid; peers enlisting in the war

Subjects: Community and Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front

00:52:30 - War-effort changes to the church and the pantry

Play segment

Keywords: dress code; nylons; ration stamp book; rationing; shipyard; the church

Subjects: Community and Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front

01:03:18 - Starting at the War Manpower Commission as a hiring secretary straight out of high school, October 1942

Play segment

Keywords: Deep South; Henry J. Kaiser; Santa Fe Railroad; War Manpower Commision; building shipyards; family and food market; migration; unemployment

Subjects: Community and Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front

01:12:14 - All hands on deck as Richmond experiences a population boom

Play segment

Keywords: Henry J. Kaiser; Kaiser shipyards; Richmond Museum; handicapped workers; migration; population boom; restaurants; schooling; wartime housing

Subjects: Community and Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front

01:18:32 - Nonstop work offering employment in the shipyards

Play segment

Keywords: disabled veterans; interviewing; offering employment; reception

Subjects: Community and Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front

01:20:57 - Racial diversity and the encumbrance of white-only companies

Play segment

Keywords: Golden Gate Fields; The Great Migration; Treasure Island; marriage; no affirmative action; racial diversity; segregated companies; the Oakland Tribune; white-only companies

Subjects: Community and Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front

01:24:58 - Doing well despite the circumstances; wartime housing, the struggle of childcare, and more on the population boom

Play segment

Keywords: Atchison Village; MacDonald Avenue; Port Richmond; childcare; wartime housing

Subjects: Community and Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front

01:33:26 - Feeling the Port Chicago Explosion through the foundation of her home

Play segment

Keywords: Port Chicago Explosion

Subjects: Community and Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front

01:34:41 - Celebrating the end of the war while lamenting the loss of the war to Richmond

Play segment

Keywords: American Radiator and Standard Sanitary; Hiroshima and Nagasaki; Market Street; closing shipyards; paperboys; riots

Subjects: Community and Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front

01:41:52 - Feeling a “responsibility” to stay in richmond and a life well spent there

Play segment

Keywords: Cal; high crime rate; racial breakdown of neighborhood

Subjects: Community and Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front