Marcia Henning | Interview 1 | April 26, 2011

Oral History Center, UC Berkeley
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00:04:39 - Henning: Introduction

Play segment

Keywords: Long Beach; Oakland; Redwood trees; San Luis Obispo; San Pedro; Walnut Creek; Woodland; family; lumber; lumber yard; redwood

Subjects: Community; Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front

00:10:57 - Children of the Great Depression

Play segment

Keywords: Depression; Westlake Jr. High; Westlake Junior High; childhood; children; elementary school; experimental; friends; grammar school; middle school; progressive

Subjects: Community; Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front

00:16:00 - Transportation and hobbies during the Great Depression

Play segment

Keywords: Depression; Key System; New Deal era; Oakland Auditorium; Oakland High School; Southern Pacific; classical music; music; musical instruments; orchestra; street car; train

Subjects: Community; Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front

00:19:57 - Industry during the Great Depression

Play segment

Keywords: Bay Bridge; Columbia steel; Key System; Key System train; Oakland; Piedmont; San Francisco; ferries; ferry; mole; mole station; passenger ferry; street car; train; transportation

Subjects: Community; Identity; Industry; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front

00:26:57 - Bridge systems

Play segment

Keywords: BART; Bay bridge; Golden Gate Bridge; Key system; San Francisco; School of Ballet; ballet; bridge; bridges; construction; ferry; train

Subjects: Community; Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front

00:34:45 - Napa prune ranches

Play segment

Keywords: Bailey's Mill; Frank Lloyd Wright; San Rafael bridge; business; farming; prune ranch; prune ranches; prunes; women employers; working for women

Subjects: Community; Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front

00:42:03 - New Deal projects and Pearl Harbor

Play segment

Keywords: Bay Area housing; Great Depression rentals; New Deal; New Young Artists; Pearl Harbor; artists; attics; embarkation; fire escapes; housing; point of embarkation

Subjects: Community; Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front

00:52:28 - Rationing during the Great Depression

Play segment

Keywords: artichoke; black-out; carpool; community; davenport; gas rations; housing; meat rations; ration stamp; ration stamps; rationing; rations; ride share; ride share program; train black-out

Subjects: Community; Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front

01:01:35 - Military and the Red Cross during the Great Depression

Play segment

Keywords: American Red Cross; Arkies; Army; Army transportation; Oakies; Red Cross; Red Cross volunteers; Salvation Army; blood; blood donation; blood segregation; canned tuna; cream of mushroom soup; housing flood; seabees; tuna

Subjects: Community; Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front

01:17:59 - Internment camps during the Great Depression

Play segment

Keywords: Chinatown; Japenese internment camps; Navy; Port Chicago explosion; Red Cross; Salvation Army; Transportation Corps; blood; bridge; crates; firecrackers; fireworks; gambling; games; nurses; plasma; poker; tea; telegraph; telephone; war

Subjects: Community; Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front

01:31:09 - Media and gender relations during the Great Depression

Play segment

Keywords: Air Corps; Air Force; Barber shop quartet; Fleet Week; Golden Gate Bridge; Nagasaki; Navy; Oakland General Strike; Okinawa; Red Cross; atomic bomb; community; draft; educated workers; gender relations; media; nationalism; pacifist; posters; propaganda; radio; typhoon

Subjects: Community; Identity; Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front